Managing Projects
Managing Projects
Things You Need To Know
Things You Need To Know
Scope of Work (SOW) Approval
Scope of Work (SOW) Approval
Once SOW is completed by Freedom Forever it will be sent to the sales rep for approval.
You can check this in Lightspeed
For M1 payment, you can check on scope of work tab and it says you are approved and have a timestamp you will know the SOW is approved.
see project stages
Chargebacks / Clawbacks
Chargebacks / Clawbacks
M1 payments are considered advances
If a project goes into support, holding, cancels, or retention, then that payment will be taken back out of the next payment made to you in the future.
Account Status
Account Status
When you log into Lightspeed on the project page, the top right will tell you
Project Funding
Project Funding
Gross, Sold, & Net PPW
Gross, Sold, & Net PPW