Pitches & Transitions

Build your own pitch and transition

Introduce the Problem

After you have their attention, explain why you are there.

Delivering the Problem

Solar when it is mentioned it is embedded with problems.

The problem with solar is... (no pauses with concerns)

You have heard all of that before right (with head nod)?

Then present the solution

Present the Solution

We are going to introduce the solutions

Come in with passion on how you solve the problems and how these solutions that has allowed everyone to go solar.

Where we make our money is...  (Tell them where you make the money to gain trust.)

The Pullback

When you are presenting them value you enter the salesperson category.

Below are examples on how to do an initial pitch.

Qualifying Questions

Are you the homeowner?

Breaking Preoccupation

Hi my name is ______________.  I'm with VITL.  Has anyone talked to you yet or have you see any of the projects going up?

The Problem

The problem with solar is that is made no sense.  It was super expensive in the past.  You had to put 10 or 20 thousand down.  You had to stay in your house for over 20 years.  Have a lien put on it, and a bunch of other ugly options.  It didn't make sense for anyone.  You've heard that, right?

The Solution

We have a new program where the homeowner doesn't pay anything up front.  There is zero money out of pocket and you can move and sell whenever you want.

Where we make our money is we eliminate your utility bill that you ALREADY PAY and replace it with a sllar bill that NEVER goes up.

Next Training Section: Set The Appointment