Sunrun Verification Bot
Welcome Calls
New York Welcome Call Verification Bot: 833-543-0929 (English), 855-303-0929 (Español) (Note: you must use the phone number on project, not reps cell. Sales rep cannot be present for NY Verification calls))
All other States Welcome Calls: 833-362-5137 (English), 833-372-5137 (Español)
Verification Bot Help
The customer MUST call the verification bot using the phone that is linked to their Salesforce account. The customer cannot use the sales rep’s cell phone to perform the verification call. The bot will locate the customer’s salesforce account based on the number calling the bot.
The NY verification call bot will ask the customer if the sales rep is present. The sales rep cannot be present for NY Verification calls.
We added a new question to the NY Verification call script at the end of the call. The new question is “Do you have any questions about the contract or the length of the term”. If the customer says “YES” an onshore representative will reach out to the customer within 24 hours to address any additional questions.
Please try to limit the background noise when completing the verification call. The bot is good about canceling out background noise UNTIL the customer is supposed to answer a question. After the bot asks a question, the customer does need to respond with a valid response.
If the customer has more than (2) properties, be sure that they listen and answer the address question correctly. If the bot reads the wrong address, the customer should say “NO” and then the bot will read additional addresses linked to that phone number. The bot will only pull opportunities in stage 4 and 5. The bot will not pull proposals that have been SR approved.
Customer can say “Repeat” and the bot will repeat the prior question.
If the call drops for any reason, please try again. In the event the bot drops more than (2) times, please text the VC text line for a normal NY verification call.