Managing Objections

Attitude Towards Objections

The Approach to Objections

Be confident 

Deliver with confidence

(No big deal at all) (All the neighbors felt the same)


Be Direct


Types of Objections

A concern is an objection


4 Ways to Overcome Objections

Smoke Screens / Delays

A smoke screen is something a homeowner does to get you to go away or slow you down.

(not interested) 

(now is not a good time) 

(some people have already come by) 

(do you have a business card) 

[things to get rid of you]

Strategy: Overcome objection before it arises

This is about repetition, there are maybe 5 common objections that come up on most doors.

Solar didn't usually work out financially in the past, it was a lot of cost and ROI was not there.  Luckily with the new program with no out of pocket expense and no up front investment.

Doing this the customer will not bring it up as a roadblock.

Strategy: Feel, Felt, Found

1. Acknowledge their concern

2. Respond

3. Transition 

Strategy: Re-Directional Questions

One of the best ways to transition from a concern

e.g. concern: I just don't know if I will stay in home

Answer question with "Feel Felt Found"

That is a great question, most people have felt the same way, what they found was our new program is transferrable. 

And quickly move attention to something new

How long have you lived here?  

Who pays the utility bill, you or your spouse?

Strategy: Defer to an Expert

Often you will have people that want to get information from you that they have all the information they need. (They get technical)

Strategy: Agree and Move On

Anytime your customer gives an objection

I am going to be moving soon

6 months

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