Sunnova Home Depot Leads

Leads ONLY for Sunnova Sales

About the Home Depot Leads Program

Freedom Forever has partnered with Sunnova and The Home Depot (THD) to create retail leads. Freedom Forever, Sunnova and The Home Depot are launching over 300 stores in the coming weeks. 

Home Depots will be staffed to generate these leads.

This offering will greatly expand the amount of leads available to sales representatives. In this webinar they will discuss the sales requirements to get these new leads, the program's best practices and how to work your leads in Lightspeed to maximize success.

These leads can only install Sunnova products.

Launch Date

August 19th in 3 states.

The following will follow in the following months

Requirements & Rules

Sunnova / Home Depot Lead Requirements

Sunnova Approval Process

You will be emailed a link after you pass the background check

More Rules

Overview of Program

Request Onboarding

You need to request onboarding to receive leads from this program.

Retail Leads Training Call

Dispositioning Leads

In lightspeed you disposition as Retail

Then disposition the outcome of the appointment.

Proposals and Projects

Creating proposals for Sunnova/THA Retail leads will take place directly from the leads dashboard.

Clicking the "Create Sunnova Proposal" will take you directly to Sunnova Catalyst to make a proposal.

After the project is signed, return to this lead and click Convert Lead to Project.  The only way to convert a Sunnova/THD retail lead is from this "Convert Lead to Project" Button.

In Catalyst, the loan will be available for Sunnova/THD retail leads.  This loan product is ONLY available for Retail leads.

If a Sunnova loan product is used for any other type of project (Freedom Generated Lead, Dealer Generated Lead) those projects will be flagged and will be moved to Holding until an approved finance type is used for that project.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your status?

Email if you want to know your status.

Welcome Email

You should receive an email when you are accepted into the Home Depot leads program.

Setting Territories

Make sure you set the primary and secondary territories in the website.  If you do not set these territories, you will not get appointments.

Close Rates & Realization Rates

The pull through and installation rates determine how many leads are given.  If you someone in your area is closing a lot of leads, they will focus on the top sales people in your area.